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Rescue Puppy

Our Programs

Our programs are aligned with our mission:  No More Homeless Animals! 


Spaying/neutering, sheltering, adopting, and educating

form a comprehensive problem-solving approach to overpopulation in our area.   

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Neuterin' takes balls, y'all!


Overpopulation is the number one cause of death among companion animals in West Tennessee.

There simply are not enough good homes for all of the kittens and puppies being born each season.

Although adoption programs provide homes for many animals,

far more animals suffer the fate of death in often barbaric methods.

It is not possible to adopt our way out of overpopulation.

The good news is that there is a solution:  SPAY/NEUTER!


Each year, we apply for and receive Tennessee's Animal Friendly Spay/Neuter grant,

funded by the sale of spay/neuter license plates.

This money provides a limited number of low-cost spay/neuter vouchers

to qualifying residents of Weakley County.  


We are currently working on a plan to increase the number of spay/neuter vouchers available.

Please watch for more information!  



"Shelter" is a verb!


When we chose to name our organization,

we purposely chose to be called a shelter instead of a rescue.

"Shelter" is more than a place. 

"Shelter" is what we do each day, every day, 365 days a year.

We shelter.

We protect.

What kind of protection do homeless animals need?

They need protection from hunger and thirst.

They need protection from illness, injury, and disease.

They need protection from predators.

They need protection from the elements.

They need protection from fear, abuse, and loneliness.

Unfortunately, they often need protection from human beings. 

We are a shelter, but our most important work is sheltering!


Sheltering the more than 200 animals

who live at Red Fern

takes up most of our time, money, and energy.

Although it's the hardest part of what we do,

it's also what brings us the greatest amount of joy!

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~ a good dog is waiting for you ~


What kind of adopters are we looking for?

Only the best!


Here are the paths we use for placing dogs and cats in great homes:  







If you are interested in learning how you can bring a Red Fern animal into your life,

please contact us today!  

Lexi waited almost eight years for Jamie to find her and fall in love.

A match made in Heaven?

Close enough!  A match made at Red Fern.

Jamie was a student at UTM, and she volunteered at Red Fern in her spare time.


Girl meets dog.  Dog meets girl.  Girl falls in love.  Dog falls in love.

Jamie asked if she could foster Lexi for the holidays.

I'm not the sharpest pencil in the box, but I knew already how this story would end!

Lexi and Jamie left Tennessee early one morning

and headed to Indiana where the rest of the family would fall in love, too.

That was the end of Lexi's shelter life and the beginning of her new life with Jamie.    

Many dogs wait a long time for the right person to connect with them.

When it happens, it's magic.

You don't have to go to DisneyWorld to find the Magic Kingdom.

Just visit your local animal shelter!    


Please help with reducing pet overpopulation and homelessness

by adopting your next best friend from Red Fern.

While adoption is important for animals who live in a shelter,

it is not a solution to the overpopulation problem. 

It is only one piece of the puzzle, but a very important piece,

especially to the 200+ cats and dogs at Red Fern!

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"Educating for Responsible
Pet Guardianship"

Committed for Life!



I'm not an "until you get bored with me" dog.

I'm not an "until you find a girlfriend" dog.

I'm not an "until you have a baby" dog.

I'm not an "until you have to move" dog.

I'm not an "until you have no time" dog.

I'm not an "until I get old" dog.


If you can't give me forever, then I'm not your dog.



Responsible pet guardianship

means different things to different people.

To us, it means making a commitment for the life of the animal.

It means making sure you have the resources

to take care of your animals.  Animals need

your time, your love, and your companionship,

but they also have needs that cost money.

They need good nutrition and routine veterinary care.

They need year 'round preventives

for fleas, ticks, internal parasites, and heartworms.

They might need emergency care at some point in their lives.

As animals age, their needs change,

and their human beings must be prepared to adapt to those changes.

We believe that an animal's care is important.

If you aren't willing to prioritize your resources to meet those needs,

you don't need a companion animal, and you definitely don't need a Red Fern cat or dog!

You don't have to be wealthy to share your life with a dog or a cat,

but you do have to make your animal's care a priority.    


Responsible pet guardianship means meeting your companion animal's needs

and safeguarding him against ever becoming homeless.


Spaying/Neutering goes without saying...or should!



We are available to speak to students or civic groups on a variety of animal welfare topics.
If you would like for us to visit your school, group, or club, please contact us.


(731) 332-9116 or 0318

©2018 by Red Fern Animal Shelter. Proudly created with

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